In 2005, a 12-year veteran male decathlete is incapacitated for two months by mysterious nonspecific systemic illness involving gastro-esophageal reflux, skin lesions, generalized inflammation, muscle swelling, severe muscle pain, weight loss and prostrating fatigue.

There was a two year history of Prevacid use for gastro-esophageal reflux.  Referrals to a rheumatologist, allergist and internist produce no solid diagnosis but several dire postulations.  The athlete begins weekly biofeedback sessions.


Biofeedback with significant improvement after initial session.  Acid reflux does not recur so Prevacid is discontinued immediately.  The athlete loses a total of 27 pounds during illness.  After four months off training, strict diet and weekly biofeedback sessions, the athlete returns to training and immediately scores career-best strength results.  Consistent improvement is reported with weekly or bi-weekly sessions for four more months, plus all weight loss is recovered.

The athlete is named to the national team and achieves personal best scores in 7 of 10 decathlon events and claims first ever national title with a personal best overall score at a 2005 national championship.  This performance is followed up with a fourth place finish at an international meet in Europe.